Poco conocidos hechos sobre shakira.

Este look sencillo, pero sumamente elegante de la cantante de ‘La velocípedo’ es valentísimo para destacar la naturalidad, sencillez y el estilismo de ShakiraNico Bustos"I settled in Barcelona to give my sons stability, the same that we are now looking for in another corner of the world besides family, friends and the sea,” she wrote on Ins

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shakira para tontos

"Tourists come here to enjoy the beautiful places, and then they leave and they don't have to deal with the problems that Puerto Ricans have to deal with day-to-day," he toldEl premio en la categoría de mejor videoclip (lectura larga) ha ido para El primer tour de mi vida de Camilo, que ha mandado a su tribu a recogerlo en su nombre: "Esta categor

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